It was a pleasure working with Ecuadorian Model Nicole Amber from Wilmington, North Carolina. This was the second time I got the the chance to work with Nicole Amber and the first time we shot at the beach.
Details: 1/800 sec at f/4 ISO 200
Due to scheduling while in Myrtle Beach we had to shoot during the middle of the day. I love shooting on the beach during the middle of the day, said no one ever! I was glad she brought along a strong and sturdy assistant to help hold the Scrim Jim for a few hours in the heat. When shooting, I am always thinking location, location, location. It can make or break a great shoot. We settled on a patch of Palm Trees near the beach entrance and a lifeguard stand nearby as our two places to shoot.
For this shoot I did not use any flashes or strobes just natural light and a 72 X 72 Scrim Jim for shade. For the Scrim Jim, I used a 1-1/4-Stop diffuser fabric to block any harsh direct light hitting her. I am not a fan of streaks or dappled light in general hitting the model so I try to block it at all cost. Another reason I like to use the large Scrim Jim is that you can cover the model from head to toe. A tip when shooting mid-day is to limit the amount of sky, sand or bright objects like a white wall in your frame to help keep your highlights even across the frame. Bright spots can be a distraction in your picture if used wrong. Below are a few final images and behind the scene pictures from the shoot.
Links to Model Nicole Amber:
Instagram: The Nicole Amber
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